The seminar organized for military officers or civilians who are scheduled to take up positions in the field of military… Continue
The seminar organized for military officers or civilians who are scheduled to take up positions in the field of military… Continue
At the end of October the NATO Counter Intelligence Centre of Excellence held the second in 2023 Steering Committee meeting…. Continue
The NATO Counter Intelligence Centre of Excellence had the honor of hosting the Baltic Cyber Commanders Forum. The second edition… Continue
The NATO Counter Intelligence Centre of Excellence hosted the COE LEGAD & FINCON Workshop. Almost 60 participants took part in… Continue
An article about NATO Counter Intelligence Centre Of Excellence appeared on the Allied Command Transformation website as part of the… Continue
The NATO CI COE hosted select personnel from the 525th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade (E-MIB) and V Corps G2 on… Continue
The 12th meeting of the NATO Counter Intelligence Centre of Excellence Steering Committee (SC) was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The… Continue
Members of the Polish Parliamentary Committee for Special Services visited the NATO CI COE. The commission’s chairman, Waldemar Andzel, with… Continue