Analysis & Lessons Learned

Analysis & Lessons Learned (A&LL) Branch is responsible for the provision of a subject matter expertise and advice on requests pertaining to counter-intelligence. The branch’s main focused area is to:

  • Facilitate the comprehensive approach and make the best use of combined experience and capabilities of all Sponsor Nations and NATO members;
  • Identify and study lessons from current operations in various theaters and develop practical solutions for the future CI environment;
  • Enhance NATO and National CI LL capabilities as well as multinational interoperability by an exchange of information related to Lessons Identified and Lessons Learned from National, the Alliance, and Partners military institutions;
  • Provide a repository for International, National and NATO shared information, analysis, and lessons learned in counterintelligence in close cooperation with Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC) – NATO LL CI COI.

Picture 1: critical successes factors for Lessons Learned capability

Picture 2: NATO Lessons Learned Process




Steering Committee members once again gathered to discuss, review, and guide the Centre’s strategy, progress, and direction. The spring edition…   Continue
