The 5th Steering Committee meeting was held in order to confirm the NATO CI COE strategy of development and approve its plans for 2019.
Representatives of 11 sponsoring countries, as well as Allied Command Transformation (ACT) and Allied Command Counter-Intelligence (ACCI) members, participated the twice-yearly CI COE’s advisory event which took place in Warsaw. The Steering Committee was headed by Defense Attaché of the Slovak Republic accredited in Poland COL Vladimir Sedivy with the support of the CI COE Director COL Robert Bala.
During the meeting, the SC members received an update on the current status of the Centre, approved the Annual Program of Work, examined budget planned for 2019 and agreed cooperatively on decisions involving administrative matters. A very important part was the presentation of the main ongoing projects, as well as those planned to be implemented in 2019. The meeting participants positively noticed a significant broadening of the training offer. CI COE intends to open three new courses dedicated to CI community next year. Also, the other Centre’s braches are going to lead a number of projects in 2019 including seminars, workshops, meetings, and conferences, which means that the coming year seems to be very intense. It was assessed as a very ambitious plan by SC members. The last informative part of the meeting was dedicated to the Centre’s application to NATO Quality Assurance Institutional Accreditation which was accepted this year by HQ SACT JFT. The end of this procedure is planned for 2020.
All assumed objectives of the meeting were fully reached and confirmed by the statements included in the Record of Decisions.