The NATO Counter Intelligence Centre of Excellence will host the NATO Lesson Learned (LL) Spring Week.
A well-developed Lessons Learned capability also demonstrates the excellence of a COE. It enables the COE to perform its work more effectively and efficiently and better support NATO in the primary role of a learning organization. Therefore, the Spring NATO LL Workshop aims to provide Lessons Learned OPRs from COEs and selected stakeholders from NATO Command Structure, a platform to share experiences and best practices related to Lessons Learned Structures, Processes, Tools, and Training. It leads to a common understanding of how and by which means Lessons Learned can be implemented in the NATO environment and deepen the Lessons Learned community.
The meeting aims to continue the LL information sharing and coordination between COEs and NATO Command Structure (NCS). Additionally, Handson Syndicate works to improve the skillset of COE Lessons Learned Officers in Information Sharing (NLLP and COI) and Analysis.
The workshop will be held in Kraków on 20-24 May 2019, and it will be attended by key representatives from the NATO Command Structure Headquarters (NCS HQ), NATO Centres of Excellence (COE), and NATO Force Structure Headquarters (NFS HQ).
The event is divided to 5 separate sessions:
Facilities addresses:
Hotel Swing
Dobrego Pasterza 124,
31-416 Krakow, PL