The 4th Steering Committee Meeting of the NATO Counter Intelligence Centre of Excellence took place on 10 April 2018 in the Slovakian Military Training Area in Lest.
Representatives from the NATO CI COE Sponsoring Nations and USA and France as observers participated in the Steering Committee Meeting (SCM) hosted by Slovakia in the Military Training Area in Lest, the facility accessed by the Centre for training purposes.
The Steering Committee approved the NATO CI COE Annual Financial Statement for FY 2017. It was reported on the 2017 Program of Work execution and agreed on improvements to the NATO CI COE structure and Job Descriptions. The meeting’s vital part was focused on the United States of America’s accession to the Centre, scheduled for this year.
The Steering Committee, as the highest decision-making authority for the NATO CI COE, is responsible for the Centre’s direction, guidance, and supervision. It consists of one voting representative from each Sponsoring Nation, namely: Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, and Slovenia.