The NATO Counter Intelligence Centre of Excellence has successfully completed the Periodic Assessment procedure conducted by the Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation.
The Periodic Assessment (PA) was planned and organized according to the Military Committee Policy for Centres of Excellence (COE). Following this, an assessment is mandatory to prove that any of the NATO-accredited Centre of Excellence continuously complies with NATO standards and procedures. NATO Supreme Allied Command Transformation is responsible for conducting this process, as well as for the creation and accreditation of COEs. This assessment is carried out every three years.
During the three-day visit, the HQ SACT PA Team carefully evaluated the PA Questionnaire prepared by the NATO CI COE, which is the essential output document in this procedure to ensure that all necessary requirements outlined in NATO’s COE Accreditation Criteria were fully met. The team members discussed and interviewed the COE key personnel to finalize that comprehensive document. Thanks to this, they verified whether the products and services provided by the COE are consistent with the quality, standards, procedures, and practices within NATO.
Based on the site visit and the questionnaire assessment, the PA Team produced a Periodic Assessment Report, which concluded the comprehensive Centre assessment. In this report, HQ SACT informed the Military Committee that the NATO CI COE continued to meet the criteria.