Representatives of ten NATO countries took part in the next iteration of the Counter Intelligence Course organized by the Counter Intelligence Centre of Excellence. They had an opportunity to gain theoretical knowledge and practice newly acquired skills during intensive practical training.
The two-week course aims to familiarize its participants with the essential CI activities during NATO-led operations. Because students usually come from different countries and represent various institutions and services and transfer knowledge for specialists from the CI COE, it is incredibly essential to standardize procedures, ensure mutual understanding, and develop cooperation in a multinational team.
The training consists of two parts – the first theoretical and the second one filled with practical tasks. It allows students to gain the appropriate knowledge, which they can practically check during simulated situations. Theoretical classes are conducted by specialists from the CI COE and by invited Subject Matter Experts from NATO entities or national services.
The course was the first iteration this year, and the next one will take place in the second half of the year. The Calling Letter to the course is sent to the stakeholders two months before each iteration.