After thirty-nine years, colonel Piotr Lipiński ends his military service.
For more than two years, colonel Piotr Lipiński has supported the NATO Counter Intelligence Centre of Excellence as Chief of Standardization & Interoperability Section in the Doctrine & Standardization Branch. He was doing an outstanding job of drafting and developing one of the essential NATO publications titled AIntP-19 for CI Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs). Now Peter decides that it is time to retire. It is a significant loss for us.
Colonel Lipiński began his military career in 1979, and after four years, he graduated from the Military Academy of Command and Communication in Zegrze. Then he held successive posts as a platoon leader, company commander, and communications chief in the 23rd Air Training Squadron in Dęblin. Next, he was deployed to Warsaw, where he took over a post in the Department of Electronics of the Military University of Technology. After that, he bound up his military career with the Polish Military Counterintelligence Service.
Colonel Piotr Lipiński did two tours in the NATO Command Structure. Firstly, in the Allied Land Component Command Headquarters in Heidelberg (Germany) and then in the NATO Headquarters Consultation, Command and Control (C3) Staff in Brussels (Belgium).
The CI COE staff thanks Piotr for his support, professional approach, and cooperation.
We wish you all the best! Good luck!