The tenth jubilee NATO Counter Intelligence Centre of Excellence Steering Committee (SC) meeting was held to inform its members about the implementation of the Program of Work 2021/2022, current status, and other planned activities of the Centre.
For the first time this year, the members of the Steering Committee met. It was an auspicious occasion because this was the first time the meeting was held abroad since the pandemic struck. The members met in Split at the invitation of the Croatian Military Security and Intelligence Agency (VSOA), which hosted the meeting.
The meeting participants, including delegations from eleven member countries and an ACT representative, were warmly welcomed by Major General Ivica Kinder. The general briefly described how his service supports the Center and uses its capabilities and potential. He also emphasized how important its role is, especially in the changing security circumstances in Europe today. In recognition of the individual contribution and activities that significantly contributed to the development of the Centre, its director, COL Martin Achimovič, awarded MG Ivica Kinder with the NATO CI COE Medal of Merit. At the end, the VSOA director wished the participants a fruitful discussion.
During the two-day meeting, the projects implemented by the Centre for 2020-2021 were reviewed. The Steering Committee members became acquainted with the latest initiatives and projects, and approved the execution of the 2021 budget. The positive results of the recent NATO accreditation visit and NATO Quality Assurance evaluation were also presented, as was the Center’s participation in the upcoming SHAPE exercise STEADFAST INTEREST (STIN) 2022.
The delegations from the Sponsoring Nations successfully and efficiently joined the deliberations. During the discussions, the Center’s aspiration to ensure high standards and the numerous initiatives undertaken to encourage and develop the Centre’s cooperation with NATO entities and partner countries, which is particularly important in the current security situation, were emphasized.
The Center’s Steering Committee meets twice a year, and it was agreed at the conclusion that the next event will be held this autumn in Kraków.
Photo by VSOA